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Tom 13 Nr 3 (2014)



Przesłane: 26 listopada 2020
Opublikowane: 2014-06-30


Turkey is one of the most important walnut producers in the world. The aim of this study to select superior walnut genotypes among the walnut seedling populations naturally grown in Gumushacikoy district of Amasya province located in Inner Anatolia between 2010–2011 years. In the study, a large number walnut genotypes in Inner Anatolia were screened according to selection criteria and after evaluation twenty promising walnut genotypes were selected as cultivar candidate among genotypes. The average fruit weights, kernel weights and kernel ratios were ranged from 8.93 to 13.92 g, 4.62 to 7.36 g and 47.80 to 58.98% among twenty promising walnut genotypes, respectively. Measurements of fruit dimensions showed that the average fruit length, width and heights were
found between 42.80–29.97 mm; 25.73–34.77 mm and 28.86–33.85 mm, respectively. Considering 20 promising walnut selections, 11, 5 and 4 genotypes had been found protandry, protogyny and homogamy. The chemical analyses showed that protein, crude oil and ash contents of selected twenty walnut genotypes were between 13.75–19.69%; 44.08– 70.81% and 1.53–2.15%, respectively.


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