Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin

Reaction of winter rape to the extra feeding of its leaves

Wacław Jarecki

Dorota Bobrecka-Jamro


In years 1999–2002 study a strict field study was carried out whose goal was to define the reaction of winter rape to extra leave feeding with fertilizers: Basifoliar 36 Ex, Basifoliar 12-4-6+S, Solubor DF, Adob Mn and mixtures Basifoliar 36 Ex with Solubor DF and Basifoliar 12-4-6+S with Solubor DF. It was noticed that the use of fertilizers did not shorten the length of the developmental phases of rape. Mixed fertilizers Basifoliar 36 Ex with Solubor DF and Basifoliar 12-4-6+S with Solubor DF stimulated the number of replums and the mass of one thousand seeds. The result was that both fertilizing mixtures considerably increased the yield of seeds as compared with the control group, respectively 3.75 and 3.68 dt·ha–1, i.e. 14.2 and 14.0%. The best crops in the research group were found for Lisek and Lirajet. The content of raw fat, total albumen, fiber, ashes and non-nitric extract compounds in seeds was not considerably related with extra feeding of the leaves. The studied varieties were characterized by seeds of various content of total albumen, ashes and non-nitric extract compounds.


winter rape, foliar nutrition, macro- and microelements

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Wacław Jarecki 
Dorota Bobrecka-Jamro 


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