Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin

Polymorphism of marigold achenes (Calendula officinalis L.) as a determinant of their value in the laboratory conditions


Ogród Roślin i Surowców Kosmetycznych, Centrum Innowacji Badań i Nauki w Lublinie ul. Tarasowa 4/96, 20-819 Lublin


Katedra Roślin Przemysłowych i Leczniczych, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie ul. Akademicka 15, 20-950 Lublin


Seed material of 7 varieties pot marigold (Calendula officinalis L.): ‘Orange King’, ‘Persimmon Beauty’, ‘Promyk’, ‘Radio’, ‘Santana’, Szlem’ and ‘Tokaj’ were tested in laboratory. The seed of each variety was divided into three fractions according to the morphological type (hooked, winged, larval) and the weight fraction of each of them was determined. The length, width and weight of 1000 achenes of the each fractions, as well as their energy and capacity of germination were established. Larval achenes constituted the dominant fraction of most varieties (in ‘Szlem’ and ‘Radio’ of the value reached 80%). The largest share of achenes winged type was noted for the variety ‘Orange King’, while hooked for ‘Tokaj’. In all varieties larval achenes type was characterized by the smallest length (4.84–5.57 mm), width (1.64–1.83 mm) and mass of 1000 achenes (4.20–6.24 g). The longest were hooked seeds (8.79 to 12.98 mm) and the widest – winged seeds (2.78–4.5 mm). The average weight of 1000 hooked and winged seeds was similar and averaged at 9.42 g. Larval achenes germinate the best. These results can be an inspiration to study the fractionation of the seeding material of pot marigold.


achenes type, hooked, winged, larval, germination capacity, 1000 seed weight, length of achenes, width of achenes

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Ogród Roślin i Surowców Kosmetycznych, Centrum Innowacji Badań i Nauki w Lublinie ul. Tarasowa 4/96, 20-819 Lublin
Katedra Roślin Przemysłowych i Leczniczych, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie ul. Akademicka 15, 20-950 Lublin


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