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Vol. 78 No. 3 (2023)


The effect of subsurface mineral fertilizer application on the yield and chemical grain composition of winter wheat and some soil properties under reduced tillage conditions

Submitted: February 22, 2023
Published: 2024-01-22


The present study was conducted during the period 2015–2017 based on a field experiment established in 2014 in the village of Rogów, Zamość County, Poland. The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of subsurface application of different rates of a mineral compound fertilizer named Polifoska®6 NPK(S) 6-20-30(7) on some soil physico-chemical and biological properties, as well as on winter wheat yield and yield quality in crop rotation soybean – winter wheat – maize under reduced tillage conditions.  The mineral fertilizer was applied at a rate of 200 and 400 kg∙ha–1, and it was spread evenly under the soil surface at a depth range of 10–30 cm according to the operation of a soil loosener and fertilizer spreader attachment. Plots with surface fertilizer application were the control treatment. After harvest, yield and yield components of the winter wheat were estimated. A chemical analysis of grains was also performed in order to determine the quality of harvested yield. In soil samples taken every year, Corg content in the 0–30 cm soil layer was determined, whereas pH and phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium contents were determined in soil samples taken to a depth of 90 cm (broken down into 3 layers every 30 cm). Additionally, number and biomass of earthworms were determined.
Winter wheat grain yield significantly varied only between years. In the treatments with deep application of the fertilizer Polifoska®6, the grain P and K content was found to increase in comparison with the treatment where winter wheat was surface fertilized. Furthermore, the higher rate of mineral fertilizer caused an increase in grain N, P, K and Mg content compared to the half lower rate. The Corg content in the 0–30 cm topsoil layer distinctly increased during the successive years of reduced till cropping. The lowest pH values were determined in the 0–30 cm soil layer. At this level, a higher P and K content was also found than in the soil layers with a depth of 30–60 cm and 60–90 cm, respectively.
In the treatments with deep application of the fertilizer Polifoska®6, a general trend towards a higher number of earthworms was found in comparison with surface fertilization. A slight increase in the biomass of these organisms was also recorded. Furthermore, application of the higher rate of mineral fertilizer promoted a higher earthworm biomass.


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