Zbigniew Jarosz

University of Life Sciences in Lublin

Katarzyna Dzida

University of Life Sciences in Lublin

Renata Nurzyńska-Wierdak

University of Life Sciences in Lublin


The experiment with cucumber of the variety 'Matilde F1' was conducted in an unheated foil tunnel in the years 2004–2005. The plants were grown in containers of the capacity of 10 dm3 filled with transitional turf, limed to the pH of 6.0. In our studies we assessed the effect of foliar feeding with Plonochron fertilizers (potassium, magnesium, calcium) and of the differentiated rhizosphere nitrogen fertilization. (1.0 and 1.5 g N·dm-3) upon the yield, as well as contents of mineral components in cucumber leaves and fruits. The cucumber fruit yield was found to be significantly greater if the plants underwent foliar feeding with Plonochron fertilizers, as compared to control plants. The greater fruit yield (4.30 kg·plant-1) was given by plants fertilized with a higher nitrogen dose (1.5 g·dm-3 of substratum). Fruits of cucumber undergoing foliar feeding with Plonochron fertilizers contained significantly more vitamin C, as compared to control plants. The
leaves of plants fertilized with a higher nitrogen dose were reported to contain more total nitrogen, potassium and calcium.


cucumis sativus, foliar feeding, nitrogen fertilization, total fruit yield, fruit nutrients

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Zbigniew Jarosz 
University of Life Sciences in Lublin
Katarzyna Dzida 
University of Life Sciences in Lublin
Renata Nurzyńska-Wierdak 
University of Life Sciences in Lublin



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