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Vol. 20 No. 6 (2021)


Pre-breeding study for the enhancement of bioactive fruit attributes in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.)

Submitted: March 25, 2021
Published: 2021-12-09


The strawberry fruit market increasingly demands new cultivars producing berries with enhanced bioactive attributes. In this research the suitability of twelve strawberry cultivars for effective breeding aimed at the enhancement of bioactive fruit attributes was studied. The group of genotypes with different pedigree was examined in respect of variation, breeding parameters, correlation between the content of bioactive compounds and the antioxidant capacity of fruit. Pre-breeding research showed the highly significant differences between genotypes regarding all traits analysed. Relationship between the bioactive phytochemicals content and antioxidant capacity of fruit were mostly positive and significant. Only correlation between vitamin C and flavonoids  was negative (−0.482). Path analysis exhibited the highest positive direct effect of total phenolic content on antioxidant capacity (0.609). Heritability of traits was very high, reaching values above 0.90. The highest genetic advance was observed for flavonoids. Results suggested that the genotype plays the main role in shaping of fruit antioxidant potential. This study indicated that the efficient strawberry breeding focused on obtaining the forms with enhanced bioactive berry properties could be highly possible.


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