Effect of cultivar on the quantity and quality of the Hamburg parsley (Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Nyman ex A. W. Hill var. tuberosum (Bernh.) Mart. Crov.) yield in the Lublin region. Part I. Yield of roots

Robert Gruszecki


In the study the quality and quantity on the yield of fifteen Hamburg parsley cultivars were assessed. The mean total yield obtained from cultivars ‘Berlińska PNE’ (20.9 t·ha–1) and Alba’(20.4 t·ha–1) was the highest. However, the highest marketable yield was collected from ‘Kaśka’ (13.4 t·ha–1) and ‘Gazela’ (13.0 t·ha–1) cultivars. Cultivar ‘Gazela’ was characterized by the highest share of Ist class roots (80.4%) in the marketable yield. The main part of the nonmarketable yield consisted of small roots (<20 mm of diameter), but the share of bifurcated roots was also high. The highest share in the non-marketable yield of small roots was obtained from ‘Alba’ (61.2%), and that of bifurcated roots from ‘Brandenburska’ (62.9%). The share of diseases affected roots in the nonmarketable yield was the highest in cv. ‘Hamburska’ (32.9%), and the lowest in cv. ‘Aroma’ (11.5%). The root length was from 13.3 cm (‘Bubka) to 17.0 cm (‘Gazela’). The marketable root weight ranged from 34.9 g (‘Bubka’) to 69.9 g (Hamburska’).


Hamburg parsley, cultivars, yield, quality of roots

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Robert Gruszecki 


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