Biogas resources in industrial production of pork


Institute of Animal Science, Laboratory of Animal Technology and Breeding, 7 Gvardiyskoy Armii str. 3, 62404, Kharkov


University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Institute of Animal Breeding and Biodiversity Conservation, Sub-Department of Pig Breeding and Biotechnology, Akademicka str. 13, 20-950 Lublin


The article analyzes the use of renewable sources of energy – biogas in the European Union and Ukraine. It is shown that the agro-industrial sector of Ukraine, producing a significant amount of organic waste, potentially has the resources to produce biogas and can replace 2.6 bln m³ PG/year. The contribution of organic waste in industrial production of pork can be 0.32 Mt of fuel. The authors believe that the main barrier to the implementation of bioenergy systems in industrial production of pork in Ukraine are large capital investments and operating costs as well as suboptimal substrate for fermentation parameters. Strategieses to ensure the reduction of capital investment  and implementation of technologies of using sewages from the industrial production of pork to obtain renewable energy should be promoted more strongly. The technological process includes separating sewage, sediment compaction, resulting in a thin layer of its subsequent methane fermentation to produce biogas, electricity and heat. It is shown that the proposed approach can reduce capital investment at 30%.


drains, technology, biogas, capital investmen, industrial production of pork

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Institute of Animal Science, Laboratory of Animal Technology and Breeding, 7 Gvardiyskoy Armii str. 3, 62404, Kharkov
University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Institute of Animal Breeding and Biodiversity Conservation, Sub-Department of Pig Breeding and Biotechnology, Akademicka str. 13, 20-950 Lublin


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